Household solutions Net Metering (3KW-10KW)

1. Give us a call to arrange for our expert to visit your premises and prepare a free report. Please at that time have ready
a. copy of the EAC recent utility bill Last 12-month energy consumption
b. Title to the premises or building permit of the residence
c. Topographical plan of the plot
d. Signed certificate of use as a residential unit
e. Consent of owners if more than one (ask for an application form) If communal roof authorization from the other users

2. Our expert will return for a second visit to give you a detailed report of the products that are applicable to your premises and your energy consumption bills.

3. If accepted a contract will be signed and the EAC cost of application will be paid by the customer.

4. Our company will help you fill the forms for EAC application and apply on your behalf.

5. As soon as we get approval from EAC ( you will get a call to sign the approval from EAC) we can proceed with the installation.

6. When the installation is complete we will apply for connection to the EAC network and arrange a meeting for the final approval.

For other uses please give us a call to arrange for a free appointment and consultation.